Issuing Pre-Approved Loans via Way4 Lifestyle Banking App

The Way4 Lifestyle Banking app notifies client that he or she can issue a pre-approved credit


Now Way4 Lifestyle Banking can issue pre-approved loans and provide instant access to these funds via digital banking app. This helps to relieve the pressure on bank branches.

When you pre-approve a loan for a customer or group of customers, Way4 can send them a special in-app notification. It takes them just a few clicks to accept the offer and start using the new loan.

The loan is issued in the financial institution’s CBS or CMS (Way4 supports managing credit products such as loans and instalments). The app shows screens for end-to-end loan issuing from displaying the pre-approved loan promo to signing a loan agreement with the client. Way4 Lifestyle Banking pulls information from the сore banking or card management system through APIs.